Let’s celebrate Spring Break! Rosie and Marc are getting ready to take a long drive to their favorite destination – The Troll Hole Museum in Alliance, Ohio. But in a terrible twist they need to play 3 new road trip games to see who gets to sit up front.
Audio Transcript
MOLLY BLOOM: Hi, Molly Bloom here. We love playing games at Brains On! We like tricky trivia, grueling guessing games, and challenging challenges. If you want to play along with us, sign up for the Smarty Pass. For just $5 a month, you'll get access to ad-free versions of Brains On!, Smash Boom Best, Forever Ago, and more. Plus, you'll get a bonus feat of all new episodes where we play games, like this one.
MARC SANCHEZ: We're headed to the coolest place in the world.
ROSIE DUPONT: Oh, Marc is right. We're headed to the one and only Troll Hole Museum in Alliance, Ohio. They've got a collection of troll dolls like you wouldn't believe.
MOLLY BLOOM: Oh, I believe it because I've been preparing for this trip for the past three months. We've got snacks.
MOLLY BLOOM: We've got music.
MOLLY BLOOM: We've got navigation.
BOTH: Check.
ROSIE DUPONT: Wait a second. Why did you say "check," Marc?
MARC SANCHEZ: Because I'm sitting up front and navigating for Molly? Everyone knows that.
ROSIE DUPONT: Except they don't because I'm doing that. Why do you think I brought this compass?
MARC SANCHEZ: Oh, wow. Nice compass. You should use it in the backseat.
ROSIE DUPONT: [GASPS] I am not sitting in the back. You're sitting in the back. Molly and I are going to perfect my Robert De Niro impression.
(DEEP VOICE) Are you talking to me?
MARC SANCHEZ: Except you're not because Molly and I are going to perfect my confused pirate impression.
(PIRATE VOICE) Arrr you talking to me?
MOLLY BLOOM: To hear more, head to smartypass.org and subscribe. A monthly pass costs about the same as an ice cream cone and gets you fun bonus content like this, plus, ad-free versions of all of our shows. Again, that's smartypass.org. Thanks for supporting the Brains On! Universe, smarty pals.
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