We’ve all heard of a sneak attack, but have you heard of a “Squeak Attack”? Well, Brains On Producer Marc Sanchez has and he’s ready to dish it out! Grab your Smarty Pass to hear how Producer Aron Woldeslassie fares against the squeak attack!
Audio Transcript
MOLLY BLOOM: Hi, Molly Bloom here. We love playing games at Brains On! We like tricky trivia, grueling guessing games, and challenging challenges. If you want to play along with us, sign up for the Smarty Pass. For just $5 a month, you'll get access to ad-free versions of Brains On! Smash, Boom, Best, Forever Ago, and more. Plus, you'll get a bonus feat of all new episodes where we play games like this one.
MARKY MARK: Oh. Hi, smarty pals. I'm so glad you're here. I've been working on a brand-new Sneak Attack, and I'm looking for people to try it out on.
ARON: Hey there, Marky Mark. You look like you have a new Sneak Attack to try out on someone.
MARKY MARK: Oh. Hi, Aron. How could you tell?
ARON: Well, your eyes are darting about feverishly. You're sweating, but only on your upper lip. And your hair is disheveled from the classic Mark-scheming pose.
MARKY MARK: Oh, you mean when I stand on my head with my feet against the wall?
ARON: That's the one. All that. Plus, you're carrying a cardboard box that has the words "new Sneak Attack ideas" written on the side.
MARKY MARK: Ooh! Foiled again by my meticulous labeling practices.
ARON: It's OK. I'll still play, even if you've lost the element of surprise.
MARKY MARK: Honestly, surprises are relevant here, because this isn't a Sneak Attack. It's a-- aha-hoo-ha! Squeak Attack!
MOLLY BLOOM: To hear more, head to smartypass.org and subscribe. A monthly pass costs about the same as an ice cream cone and gets you fun bonus content like this plus ad-free versions of all of our shows. Again, that's smartypass.org. Thanks for supporting the Brains On Universe, smarty pals.
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